Procrastination is another mega time thief. Most procrastination is fear-based. But there is really good news! All fear is positive. Fear is an instinct to protect us from something. By sitting quietly and asking what we are really afraid of, what the fear is trying to protect us from, we can deal with that directly. Once we’ve followed the fear and identified the root cause, we can find better ways to protect ourselves than avoidance or self-sabotage.
As an example, many entrepreneurs subconsciously resist taking the steps necessary to be really successful because they’re afraid that success means that they won’t have any personal time left, that the business will take up their whole life and there will be no time for family, friends, or self-care. Ah ha! Now we can look for a more balanced way to protect against that. We can write into the schedule time for a lunch date with a friend at least once a week, or a spa visit once a month. Because the truth is that if we are always working and not taking time to take care of our body, mind, and spirit, we will eventually find down time in some indirect way, like becoming sick, or being so exhausted that we need to take a mental health day.
When I see someone who is consistently overwhelmed and exhausted, often late, and always guilty because they *should* be doing more, I feel compassion. I know from personal experience that’s not a fun place to be. But I also know that there are some gentle, loving means to become more balanced, and have more energy and greater equilibrium.
Please let me know if you would like support around this. You don’t have to do it alone.